Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Meditations: Choosing Joy

On Monday evening Mom, Haley and I drove down to the Skarin's house to hear a dear friend and sister in the Lord, Colleen Moeller, as she shared her thoughts after an eighteen month bout with cancer. I was so encouraged, and what she said was so much in line with what the Lord has been teaching me lately, I thought I would share some of my notes.

· “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 How often do we glibly read through this verse, not even realizing what it says? This is the day the Lord has made. This interruption, this surprise, this disappointment, this blessing, this frustration. Lord, help me to accept the “this’s" of this day that you have made with joy and gladness.

· Joy lifts the weights that would otherwise crush us. We never know what God is exercising our spiritual muscles for!

· We are not to be the thermometers of our home, our mood swinging as we react to every slight change, but the thermostats. Why? Because we know that our Sovereign God is the filter through which all things come to us. Because we know that He doesn’t waste things, but that the seemingly haphazard problems and trials of our day are carefully planned for our good. And because our trials bring two blessings; the knowledge of our helplessness and the experience of His faithfulness.

· A life of joy brings hope to those around us. Trials are our opportunity to shine.

· The keys to joy: 1. Be content with the “this’s" of this day. 2.Bless others – do something for someone else every day.

And one final thought: Submission is a prerequisite for joy. - GJ

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