Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ryan's Video

Our friend Ryan Bruce is doing well.  He is now in rehab and having intense therapy.  He has a great deal to overcome in his healing.  If you are interested in his progress please go to  Ryan Bruce Caring Bridge.

I thought you might enjoy this 3 minute video that he directed for the Christian Filmmaker's 36 Hour Contest in 2009. Please continue to pray for our dear friend!


Tete said...

Another piece of the puzzle- can you see God's plan unfolding?
If Ryan did this before his accident, just think of his ministry after...
gives you goosebumps.
From your first post on him- I have been whispering his name all day long and before I go to sleep at night. I posted him on my blog for a prayer chain.
Even though I will never meet him here, God put him on my heart. He has big plans for this one.

The Sisson Clan said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone for keeping Ryan in your prayers. And thank you Sisson Family for posting this! It brought tears to my eyes. I forgot all about Ryan working on this project. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28" Karen (Ryan's Mom)