I was thinking of all the things I have to be thankful for after the Thanksgiving weekend.
I am thankful for piles of dishes that needed to be washed the evidence of family and friends with strong bodies and healthy appetites.
I am thankful for those who were willing to give up the comfort of their own beds to stay with us. I love to see sleepy faces emerge from bedrooms and fresh clean shining faces coming out from the showers to eat breakfast together.
I am thankful for full bedrooms, mattresses on the floor, portable cribs with napping babies, warm quilts and soft pillows.
I am thankful for old friends, new friends. Favorite foods. Leftovers.
I am thankful for the sounds of laughter, Bible discussions, teasing, catching up and prayer.
Awww! WE were thankful to be a part of it all. It was so nice to spend time with everybody. What a delightful day!
Those are all wonderful resonances of staying with the Sisson family!!!
We're thankful for you!
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