Saturday, May 31, 2008

Heading out to Iowa!!

Hi everyone, Nate signing in again.

Just thought that I would give an update on what is happening for me this summer. Aside from the convention which is consuming most of my time right now, I thought that I would let you all know about an exciting opportunity that the Lord has opened up for me.

The other day I got a call from John Doryk (the man I was learning about audio from in CO). He has been hired on to an independent Christian feature film being shot in Iowa. He will be heading up the audio during the primary filming and was wondering if I would be willing to be his assistant. I am more then willing, I am thrilled to have this opportunity. So I will be traveling to north western Iowa on June 11th and spending about a month there.

So right after the convention I will be packing up and heading out to do some film making!!

  • P.S. for those of you who are interested in techie things. This movie is going to be shot on the RED camera. I am definitely looking forward to getting to see one of the REDs in action. For those who are not familiar with the RED camera here is a link to their web site.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful opportunity!! Can't wait to hear how it all goes. Can you post from Iowa?

Nate said...

My ability to post will largely depend on whether I will have internet were I am staying or if I will have to go somewhere to use the internet, but I am hoping that I will be able to put up some posts.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nate,
Will be good to have you in the state with us in a very kiddy corner way. Hope you don't run in to too many flooded roads on your way. Have fun!
The Rodgers Family