Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Cat's Away

We need you Nate!

You've heard the expression: When the cat's away the mice will play. Well I think we moms need a new expression. When our children are away the computers won't play.

Yes Nate is still gone, he's staying a few extra days. So his computers are NOT cooperating. (Why is that significant you ask yourself since obviously some computer is working or there wouldn't be a post. ) Well his computers handle all the pictures!!

So I'm am going to post a few pictures from the ones that I was using to put together a power point for the wedding. They will each have NATE in them.

This is kind of like "Where's Waldo". Where's Nate??

(We really do miss you.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom,

I am missing all of you a lot!! I think of you every day. Just a few more days and I will be back to fix the computers. Well I have to be running. (People to pickup and places to go) I am looking forward to seeing y-all in a few days.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! I could not believe how much Nate and Matthew look alike in Nate's younger pictures.. I only knew it was Nate because Gretchen was so much younger too! How fun!
Love, Gina

The Hemmers said...

Awwww, I LOVE old pictures! It's so much fun to see what people looked like when they were younger. Too cute!

Gretchen said...

Hmm, you're getting a little desparate, aren't you. It's always so frustrating when computers don't work right! Hang in there, you guys.

Anonymous said...

Is that Matthey or Nate? Wow they look alike!!

Jason H.

TulipGirl said...

I LOVE the "young Nate" pics. . . THAT'S the Nate I remember. It's so weird the way you expect everyone to not age when you move away. . .