Did you know that violets are edible? When I was little, our friend Mrs. Barton used to sugar them. I think she brushed them with water or egg white to make the sugar stick. She would top each of her cupcakes with a tiny sugared violet, which always looked so beautiful and special!
Here's my tip for a little free elegance. Wash your violets in cold water, then fill an ice tray half full with water (the square for each cube should be half way full, or maybe a little less that half). Pick off the stems and place a violet or two in each cube. Stick the tray in the freezer. When it's frozen, take it out and fill it the rest of the way. The already frozen part will keep the violets from floating to the top, and you'll end up with some lovely looking violet ice cubes! Especially if served in a contrasting yellow lemonade. :-)
P.S. Yes, I know. The picture has apple blossoms, not violets. However, I have not yet been trained by Nate which pictures I can use from the internet and how to get them, and I don't have the gumption to try it uninstructed. Also, as lovely as dew washed petals may be, I am not interested in running out in the middle of a thunder storm to take a picture of them! - GJ
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