Haley and I went to a cooking class at our friends the Dunns. Lisa the teacher (home school mom) made three dishes. She instructed us as she went along.
A couple of tips: 1. Cut everything, meat and veggies, the same size. 2. Have everything cut and ready before you begin. 3. Start with the oil (not olive) hot so that it sputters when you stick the food in. 4. If you have larger pieces of chicken and you want to keep them moist mix an egg white and cornstarch until foamy. Put your pieces of chicken in there and mix really well. Then add your meat to the hot oil.
Then we all got to sample them. YUM This was the Sweet & Sour Chicken. She also made a chicken vegetable dish served on lettuce and Chicken & Broccoli. We ordered a cookbook and once it comes Haley and I are ready to experiment on the family. "big smile"
Their cat was hilarious. He loved the chair and perched there for the entire class time. I loved how he laid there with his leg hanging down! He makes about 3 of our little cat!
Gina and Jessica thank you. Haley and I are inspired!! Hope I can find my wok.
Last night we had a treat. We were able to attend a program at the library featuring Those Were the Days Radio Players.
You know we have been studying WWII and are producing our own Fibber McGee and Molly radio program. Well this troupe performed a Fibber & Molly program as well as several speeches by Winston Churchill, FDR, and Eisenhower. It was inspiring to watch since we are so involved with it all.
It was live radio including sound effects. Here is their sound effects table complete with door, screen door, various bells, hammer, rotary dial phone, (would your kids even know what it was or how to use it? giggle) and shoes for walking.
Each episode in the actual radio drama included the opening of Fibber's closet with disastrous results. The Radio Players had a ladder with all sorts of junk on it for the noise of Fibber opening his closet! I missed getting a picture of it! Aaaaaaa!!!!
But here's a picture from our day recording sound effects. The kids loaded the stairs with all sorts of noisy junk. The boys are at the top ready, with great delight, to push things down on cue.
Here Robby and Katrina have just made all the sounds for a smashing Ukulele. Robby jumped on a tangerine crate and Katrina plucked guitar strings. "smile"Bet you can't wait to hear it!
This gentleman was a fabulous Fibber. Oh was it fun to watch and hear. Soon we will be recording the rest of our production. Can't wait.
Monday after the convention we decided to do something fun. Ken stayed home for the day and in the afternoon we went to see the movie "UP". GRIN
I loved the humor. Nothing gross or having anything to do with bathrooms. I wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it just the same.
After wards we raced to the closest ice cream establishment "Cold Stone Creamery". Yummy
The following information is confidential and quite shocking.
Believe it or not Nate and I don't like their chocolate!! So I had a fruit smoothie! You are going to be OKAY take a deep breath. . . . . (Haley says that to me all the time.)
Ken had some cheesecake something or other. It was good. What's your favorite??
Well it's official. Today June 15th is the first day of Summer for me. Yes I went swimming! Last Sunday Mr. Capp said that he'd been in his unheated pool several times the day before. What a challenge!
Our pool is unheated as well. The kids took the plunge yesterday and I decided to join them today. No more wimping out for me.
Boy did I ever yell getting in. Yep it's up to about 71 degrees! Ohhhhhhhh nice and cool.
Little Miss has learned how to spit. Gretchen says that she's a regular water fall. I have been told that she has been perfecting her technique this week. Now she can spit without her tongue.
I wonder how many kisses a baby gets in their first year of life. Never too many!!
Well it's about to start. The work is mostly behind us and now the fun begins. (quote from a famous person)
Kyle and Gretchen will be in the stroller crowd this year. Tee hee. You know what that means don't you?? I get to see Alaina!!!! "GRIN" (oh brother, you should have known that was coming)
I hope this weird guy isn't there again this year.